Royal Aero Club
the United Kingdom
- The Chairman is Patrick
Naegeli of the British Gliding Association.
- The Club is made up of member
organisations and individual
members. The Full
Members are the national governing bodies of the major
individual air sports in the UK, and they each appoint a
representative to the Governing Council. Associate and Corporate Member
Organisations and Individual Members provide valuable
additional support. People who have made significant
individual contributions to the Club are awarded the
title Companion of the Royal Aero Club.
- Our principal role is to
co-ordinate, promote and protect all forms of
recreational and competitive air sport in the UK, and to
represent UK air sport internationally.
- Directly and through our
member organisations, we represent the interests of many
tens of thousands of people who participate in a variety
of air sports, on a wide range of committees,
consultation groups, political contacts, etc.
- We are the UK
representative on the Fédération Aéronautique
Internationale, which is the World governing body
of sport flying, and which controls World and
other international Championships and the
registration of World Records. It also has a
major role in setting technical standards and
negotiating with international official bodies.
In consultation with our member organisations, we
appoint the UK delegates to the various FAI
- We are the UK
representative on Europe Air Sports, which is affiliated to
the FAI and co-ordinates responses to legislation
and regulation affecting recreational flying
within the EU and more widely throughout Europe.
In consultation with our member organisations, we
appoint UK Technical Officers and Working Party
Coordinators and Members.
- Our work is managed through
the RAeC Council and the Parliamentary, International,
Technical, Medals & Awards, and Finance Committees.
- Our Annual Awards Ceremony
takes place in the Spring, recognising achievement and
service in all forms of aviation in the previous year.
The Awards are often presented by the Club President, HRH
The Duke of York, subject to other official duties.
- We have been making awards
since 1908 to recognise achievement in aviation. The Historical
List of RAeC Awards
includes several of the most famous names in British and
World aviation, as well as many people who have made
major contributions serving in background roles. It has
now been expanded to include a list of UK recipients of
FAI awards. Also abbreviated citations back to 1995 have
been added and it is planned to go further back in time
as information becomes available.
- We have established
the Royal Aero Club Trust, which is a charity to
provide resources for youth involvement,
education, promotion of air sport, and the
conservation of historically important items
related to aviation.
- Our sister organisation, the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS), was founded in 1866 and
now represents all aspects of professional aeronautical
and aerospace engineering and operation in the U.K. Its
primary role is as a Learned Society covering Engineering
Council registration, education and career development in
this field. It also encompasses a variety of special
interest groups. Its local branches, in the UK and
overseas, organise programmes of lectures and events. A
programme of major conferences, lectures and events is
held at their headquarters in central London. Lectures
and conferences are normally open to interested
non-members, see the events page on the RAeS website.
Aero Club News
Awards for 2012
Annual Awards Ceremony for 2012 was held at the RAF Club,
Piccadilly, London on Tuesday 23rd April 2013. Further
details are on the RAeC Awards for 2012 web page.
2012 RAeC Newsletter
The Winter 2012 RAeC Newsletter is now available in pdf format.
Previous newsletters are also
still available, see the index list at the bottom of this
- Updated!
here for the RAeC's International Calendar of Events. This is an extensive listing of
aviation events of all types: competitions, fly-ins, air
shows, exhibitions, etc., in the UK and throughout the
- New!
RRRA Website
RAeC Records Racing & Rally Association have
announced a change to the URL of their website. The new
site is now on http://www.britishairracing.com
Aero Club Trust News
- RAeC
Archive Website
Royal Aero Club Trust is carrying out a major
programme of conserving and cataloguing the Royal Aero
Club's unique archive of documents and memorabilia. The
work is continuing, but an extensive variety of initial
results has now been made available on a new website: http://www.royalaeroclubcollection.org
- New!
RAeC Trust "Flying For
Youth" Bursaries
The Royal Aero Club Trust provides a
number of bursaries to people aged between 16 and 21
years and who hold a basic air sports qualification, who
wish to progress their involvement to a higher level. For
2013, 37 awards were made, covering a variety of
air-sport activities. Applications for 2014 are now open
and will close on 31 March 2014 , see the RAeCT Bursaries page.
- RAeC
Trust Conservation Programme
The Royal Aero Club Trust is carrying out a
major programme of cataloguing and conservation of the
Royal Aero Club's unique archive of documents and
memorabilia, most of which is at present stored at the
RAF Museum, Hendon. The work is being led by volunteers
from the National Association of Decorative & Fine
Arts Societies. A major fund-raising appeal has been
launched for procurement of specialist conservation
materials. For details of the work and the appeal, please
visit the Appeal section of the Trust website.
- RAeC
Trust Volunteer Opportunities
Royal Aero Club Trust is seeking volunteers to
help with a variety of tasks. These include some
executive roles, and people to help with conserving and
photographing the Royal Aero Club archives at the RAF
Museum, Hendon. For further details, please visit the Volunteer Opportunities section of
the Trust website.
Association News
- The Royal Air Force Museum, Hendon is staging a special exhibition of
historical items from the Royal Aero Club collection.
These have recently been conserved and restored at the
Museum by the project funded and organised by the RAeC
News - Fédération Aéronautique Internationale & Europe Air
- For information on the
negotiations in hand on a wide variety of Europe-wide
legislative issues, please visit the Europe Air Sports website.
Airsports Newsletter
organisation publishes about four newsletters a year
containing important news on a variety of airsport
regulatory issues. The current and several previous
newsletters are available on the EAS website. Also on this page is a
registration for you to receive the EAS newsletter
directly by e-mail.
News & Information

Royal Aero Club
General Secretary:
David Phipps,
Royal Aero Club,
Chacksfield House, 31, St Andrew's Road, Leicester LE2 8RE
Tel: 0116 244 0182,
Fax: 0116 244 0645
E-mail: secretary@royalaeroclub.org
Office hours:
0900-1700 Monday-Friday
The Royal Aero Club
Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee.
Registered in England Number 1093859.
Registered office: Chacksfield House, 31, St Andrew's Road,
Leicester LE2 8RE
Web-site contents
maintained by David Wise.
page last updated: 23rd September 2013